May 19, 2008

It's May! Can you believe it? Another glorious Lilac Festival. I work across the street from Highland Park, so I can make it part of my daily routine to smell the lilacs. What could be better than that, right? The storm clouds are heavy and low so maybe not today, but definitely before the blooms are spent.
I ran across a particular note and I thought it very appropriate as I'm trying to live up to giving only good thoughts. You laugh, but sometimes it can be very hard. Yes, it's easy with acquaintences, but with those who know you? It can be challenging.

"If everybody brightened up the spot on which they're standing by being more considerate and a little less demanding, this dark old world would very soon eclipse the evening star - If everybody brightened up the corner where they are! - Helen Steiner Rice

So with that said I hope you have a lovely day!

Now for the kidisms...
Emma and I were headed off to church yesterday morning (usually Daddy is the one who takes Emma as I just can't move fast enough to get her there by 9 am) but I had a meeting before church. Well, I guess I should back up... I'm on the PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee) for my church. I've been on this committee since last August to find a new pastor for the church I grew up in. Saturday the culmination of all our efforts was realized as the pastor we extended a call to accepted. Yippee!!! So to that end, we needed to meet to decide what to tell the congregation and to go through some of the changes that are needed for the manse. My meeting was really at 8:30 am, but they know how hard it is for me to get there so early so I was given a half hour reprieve.

Emma had had a late night and was pretty grouchy, so she decided that being with mommy was better than being in Sunday school. Believe me, I earned my steps! Trudging back and forth between the manse, the church and the different meeting rooms certainly helped! Because Emma loves being with me when she knows that it's grown up time so her mood certainly lightened up.
We finally get to the Children's sermon and Reverend Paul decides to talk about differences and the likeness of people and things. Emma and I are usually the only ones there, but today Colby was there as well. Colby's a cutie, very quiet and shy. Reverend Paul asks Emma and Colby what differences are between them. Colby says "Emma and I are very different." Everyone, and I mean everyone starts laughing... Emma is the most outgoing kid you've ever seen - always questioning, always willing to chat. Emma couldn't be outdone, so she piped in her opinion of the sameness of her and Colby.
As I was taking Em down to the nursery, all I could think of was how did I get a child so completely outgoing? How did the time fly by so fast that she's already 4 and can hardly wait to be in school? Where's my little angel that clung to me? She already can't wait to spread her wings and run out into the world. My son is already talking and telling me what he likes and dislikes. I want to keep this stage they are in and bottle it so that I won't ever forget all the love and laughter.
I hope your week is a beautiful one, even if this weather won't be.

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